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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

August 2012

boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: 2 chili dogs please... no onions!

boston terrier photo of the week Lucy & boston terrier photo of the week Brady & Friend
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Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Naps can be contagious.

boston terrier photo of the week Rosie & boston terrier photo Rudy
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boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Ripley finds a nice place to hide the cat.

boston terrier photo of the week Ripley
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Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: It's free sample day!!

boston terrier photo Ty & boston terrier photo of the week Lulu
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boston terrier photo
Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: Bowie's parade float was beautiful... until BBG ate all the decorations.

boston terrier photo Bowie and boston terrier photo Buutros Boutros Ghali
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