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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

October 2009

boston terrier Piper gets a bath
Boston terrier looks out window with kitty
Rated: Cute

Winning Caption: I've had enough of this lather, rinse, repeat!

boston terrier photo Piper
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Rated: Cute

Winning Caption: OK look, when they pull up just act natural... neither of us has any idea what happened in there.

boston terrier photo Edgar & Macy the kitty
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Boston Terrier riding with his head out the car window
Lola the Boston Terrier sees a speedo
Rated: Wild & Crazy

Winning Caption: Litterbugs drove L.B. nuts.

boston terrier photo Leroy Brown
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Rated: Funny

Winning Caption: What is seen, can never be unseen. Thanks.

boston terrier photo Lola
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