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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

November 2009

boston terrier Piper gets a bath
boston terrier Mazy guarded at the door
Rated: Wild & Crazy

Winning Caption: Angus' very own reindeer game...not exactly what the song writer had in mind...

boston terrier photo Angus
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Rated: Funny

Winning Caption: How dare they put a guard on me...

boston terrier photoMazy & Dinah the Australian Shepherd/Lab mix
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boston terrier Will cage fighter
boston terrier Valentino
Rated: Funny

Winning Caption: Hey mister, can we have our ball back??

boston terrier photoWill
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Rated: Wild & Crazy

Winning Captions - it's a tie!

"You've won a BRAND NEW CAR!"

When Valentio prayed for that new toy, his prayers were answered faster than he thought they would be.

Be sure to check out the PPP caption too!

boston terrier photoValentino
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