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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

May 2011

boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Did anyone get the license plate on that truck?!

boston terrier photo of the week Deuce
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Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: Pixie is now regretting competing in the "March Mustache" contest... even if she did take 1st place!

boston terrier photo of the week Pixie
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boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: I just ate an entire human being.

boston terrier photo of the weekHooker
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Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: Ronnie, there's a reason this cat's name is Boo-Boo.

boston terrier photo of the week Ronnie, boston terrier photo of the week Bodie and boston terrier photo of the week Boo-Boo the cat
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