The Winning Caption
- Ronnie, there's a reason this cat's name is Boo-Boo.
- Boo-Boo tells the BEST ghost stories!
- OMG, how did you just change into a cat???!!!
- For the last time Boo-Boo - you can't be part of the gang!
- Ronnie, I thought you said if we lured her into sunlight that she'd combust!?
- Ronnie! Ronnie! It's LOOKING at ME!
- Whoa! Are you invading our sunbeam, Boo-Boo?
- As Ronnie and Bodie line up for inspection from Boo-Boo they they hope that they've done everything right...this time.
- Brothers from another mother!
- "It's... looking... at me, Ray."
- "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts and minds of catz?" Da Shadow do...
- He may be black ad white but I don't think he's one of us.
- Let's scram, Bodie! When the sun goes down she turns into a werecat!
- Sorry M'am I promise i wil stay in my naughty box
- Are we sharing the sunbeam??
- Boo Boo puts on her best Boston disguise.
- Bodie is shocked when Boo-Boo dares to invade the Boston sun spot.
- Ronnie is ready to provide "back up" for Bodie if Boo-Boo doesn't back off
- One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong...
- Bodie and Ronnie are appalled that Boo Boo crossed their path and caused bad luck.
- "Psst, you see what I see?"
- The things that come out of the dark where shells like us but only show what monsters they are
- Ummmm,you don't look like a Boston to me.
- Your not from around these parts.
- are u lookin at me?.....i know u aint lookn at me!
- The secret meeting of the the first dogs club was under way. They where about to teach Boo-Boo the cat the secret paw shake.
- There seems to be an intruder in our mists.
- As the evil counsel demands to why there is a cat in their lair.
- Boo-Boo: [Slow Geogian Drawl] Honey, my claws are fast enough to scratch your lightnin' tongue three times before you give me one kiss.
Ronnie: Thee's thnot lyin', Bodie.
- Try to blend in all you want Boo-Boo. We know you're not a real boston.
- Eeek! what do we do now, big brother?
- Whatchoo talkin bout Boo-Boo
- In about one minute, all heck is gonna break loose!
- See, I told you it wasn't one of us.
- One of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things just isn't the same...
- If it looks like a Boston and stares like a Boston, it must be a Boston
- the triplets were very close until Boo boo got an "extreme make-over"
- Boo Boo is not afraid of zombie Bostons due to the black and white factor.
- Ronnie say to Bodie, you see what I see!
- Bodie is horrified as Boo-Boo oversteps her boundaries.
- Bodie thinks there is something a little off with the new boston terrior.
- This sunny spot is not big enough for the three of us.
- Hey wait a second, your not a dog!
- Who's the imposter?
- As the shadow cast across the boys, they plane their escape!
- The Bostons are turning into CATS!
- I Don't Think So!
- One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
- SHHHHH - This is going to be bigger than Watergate, BT Deep Throat said.
- Do not make the contact with the eyes
- Ummm Bodie... what the H E double hockey sticks is that!
- I don't think we should trust her. She looks like us but there is something that is just off...
- One of these things is not like the other....
- One of these things is not the other ones.
- We're all dressed up in our tuxes. Where's the limo?
- Boo Boo- the shadow knows and you AREN'T a Boston!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)