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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

June 2012

boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: I am soooo confused. Knick-knack and Paddy-whack moved. Stella can't find Abby. And according to Rebel the house is falling down... I'll just wait here until dinner.
[See the PPPs this caption is based on]

boston terrier photo of the week Baxter
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Rated: Wild & Crazy
Winning Caption: Jemima wished the privacy fence went ALL the way around the yard!

boston terrier photo of the week Jemima
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boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: I don't care that the music has stopped. It's MY chair!

boston terrier photo of the week Rudy & Friend
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Rated: Funny
Winning Caption: I hate earthquake drills...

boston terrier photo of the week Cooper
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