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Boston Terrier Photo of the Week

August 2011

boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Olive tries to ignore the giant treat jar in the back yard.

boston terrier photo of the week Olive
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Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Nobody believed Tucker when he told them about the zombie-boston apocalypse...

boston terrier photo of the week Tucker
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boston terrier photo
boston terrier photo
Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Dis not mah cup?

boston terrier photo of the week Max
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Rated: Cute
Winning Caption: Oscar and Sawyer's new motto: DON'T ROLL IN GUM! DON'T ROLL IN GUM!

boston terrier photo of the week Oscar the Boston & boston terrier photo of the week Sawyer the Rat Terrier Max
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