boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Stars
: boston terrier photo Lola Blue & boston terrier photo Midnight the Lab

Rated: Cute

The Winning Caption is:

Lola takes her job of Lab Technician very seriously.

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Chhhhh as you see I have the Lab in a calm submissive state!
  • But I'm not ON the couch!
  • Go ahead, mess with me now that I have a new bodyguard
  • Lola tests the new Lab-o-pedic sleep system.
  • Oh man my camoflouge only half works!
  • New intern, Dr. Lola misinterpreted the instruction to put on a lab coat
  • don't get any closer, i've got a lab, and I'm not afraid to use it!
  • No pictures! i have bed head!
  • evryone needs a shoulder to lean on sometimes.
  • Hey! I think Midnight ran outta gas!
  • Double-decker Monorail Dog makes rest stop.
  • Lola has something better than a teddy bear!
  • what im waiting in line for the sofa!
  • Lola and Midnight audition for the Dromedary invitationals.
  • oil prices are high so mommy said we needed to cuddle for warmth
  • Lola Blue demonstrates her infamous "Sleeper Hold".
  • Shhh I'm trying to get the cheesepuff under Midnight's stomach!
  • "Top Dog" is a meaning not lost on Lola Blue.
  • Hey Honey...was it as good for you as it was for me? Honey?...Midnight?
  • Midnight kept having the same dream where she was called Igor & had a hunchback.
  • *Schwarzenegger voice* I am not a tumor.
  • No lola. The lab coat goes on YOU
  • I told you I'd always have your back!!!
  • Do you mind??? Could we pleeeeeaaaaase get some privacy here?
  • And there Lola Blue was... Backpacking as usual!
  • It wasn't easy, but I finally got him to settle down. Where's my cookie?
  • I is chillin with my Dawg.
  • Any good housekeepr will tell you that there's nothing like bedding that Breathes.
  • Giddy up Midnight!
  • Who needs a bear skin rug.
  • Midnight is Lola's Bedtime, Literally
  • BTs and Labs go together like PB and Jelly!
  • Lola prefers warm, fluffy pillows with rhythmic beats and breathing to put her to sleep on chilly fall mornings.
  • Lola isn't sure about her new organic heating pad.
  • Is she still breathing? Do we need to do CPR?
  • Lola Blue now 90 % cuter with the optional black lab attachment.
  • This bed is just right.........aaaahhhh! ZZZZZZZZZZZ..........
  • Love means never having to nap again.
  • i got my pillow, go get your own
  • who needs a pillow top mattress??!! I have a midnight top mattress!!
  • He's not a Boston but he sure is comfortable!!!
  • YOU CAN'T SEE ME!!!!
  • Lola's impression of a paperweight...
  • The soft vibrations from Lola's snoring put Midnight in a deep sleep...
  • and THIS fur coat has a built-in heater, too!
  • My biddy, my pal, my friend,,
  • BACK UP! She's mine....
  • Mom, can I keep him?
  • Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. . .I'm hunting Labradors.
  • don't judge our love :)
  • What? it's my pillow
  • Mom, this pillows to boney!
  • Lola says," so I sleep with a stuffed animal-is there a problem?"
  • were taking turns sleeping on the couch dont tell midnight im here though
  • Lola Blue sings,"Don't it make my brown eye blue!", while reclined on her black throw rug...
  • Hey turn that flash off! My tempurmedic and I are trying to sleep. Don't make me put the moves on you.
  • What's your problem now? You told me not to lay on the couch.
  • Midnight's Boston throw was a little small but still was keeping her warm.
  • I will never leave you Midnight, I will stay with you forever.
  • We are accepting donations to help pay for surgery to separate these siamese twins.
  • Oh Midnight you are everything I always hoped for
  • True love knows no boundries
  • I think my Blender is broke.
  • There's something to be said for body heat!
  • ha! MY body pillow comes with a vibrator!
  • Oh . . . you're home early . . .
  • please please don't hurt my baby. I promise the cat did it.
  • What do you mean the piggyback ride is over?... Midnight?... Midnight, are you there?
  • This body pillow sure moves alot
  • man, this pillow has a heartbeat and sooo very comfy......
  • No! This is my heater and I'm not sharing!
  • she's my very bestis friend
  • This new pillow smells like an old dog!
  • This cushion is just right!
  • giddeee up! you lazy beast! I wanna go for a ride!
  • Don't judge me!
  • I'm doing HIM a favor by keeping HIM warm!!!
  • who are u and where are my pants
  • Lola says, holding Midnight still for his nap is not as easy as it looks !
  • All we need is love
  • If wishes were Labs, then Bostons would ride.
  • We really have to look into getting that memory foam mattress, this one is too lumpy......
  • Don't you even knock? He's leaving tomorrow to join a Search and Rescue team.
  • dis couch has lumps!
  • I never get of his back!!
  • ...but he's just like a big, furry rug...
  • Picture time is from's now Nappy time!
  • don't eben THINK bout takin mez pillo!
  • Who dares disturbe my slumber?!
  • "Don't worry Midnight. I've got your back"
  • This is my spot!!
  • Stay Away, this is my bed!
  • I don't think this is memory foam.
  • Shhh, don't wake Midnight. I'm tryin to stay warm. Haven't you heard about the automatic 'Midnight' heater?
  • Ahhhhh...... I'm pretty tired, how bout you Midnight?
  • Take me on a magic carpet ride!
  • Me love you long time!
  • Who's your mamma???
  • Do you think when he wakes up he'll notice?
  • That's what friends are for! :)
  • When the vet called with the results, Midnight was relieved that the growth on her back was only Lola Blue.
  • "hey....pssst....hey...wake up....they're taking pictures again!!"
  • I wanted a pony ride, but my horse went to sleep.
  • My sleep number is 14,Lab with alot of love!!!
  • Lola talks Midnight into playing "Yertle the Turtle" - Midnight is not amused.
  • T minus 10, 9, 8, 7...
  • [Waiter] "Can I interest any one in a midnight lab topped with a Lola Blue?"
  • Lola likes the new warm bed
  • forbidden love. even sweeter.
  • What? It's my spot on the couch!
  • "This black lab is just right."
  • Do ya think they will find me?
  • The Lab tests are going just fine!
  • I am finally getting that Piggy Back ride he promised me. Even though he's not going anywhere
  • Where's the kickstart?
  • This one's mine ~ get your own!
  • I just LOVE my new "Sleep Number" Bed !
  • Look mom i caught the sleeping beast
  • Do you like my new Tem-FURR-Pedic bed?
  • What's that rug doing on the couch? Oh well, I'm sleepy...
  • Next best thing to a bear skin rug
  • Pillow talk!
  • My precioussssssssss.....!
  • I will call him Midnight and he will be mine! All mine!
  • I'm practicing my Goldilocks gig for Halloween....this bed is juuuust right!
  • But I want to be a cowboy momma!
  • Lola thinks "You better not think of steeling my personal pillow"
  • is he still asleep? quick take the picture!
  • my sleep number is 1! 1 black lab that is!
  • Now this is what I call a body pillow.
  • I think this black is rubbing off on me, I only have two white spots left.

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • Okay, act like you're sleeping, I'll distract Goonie, and you grab the cake.
  • At least my butt's not hanging out a window.


  • thats soooooooo cute.lola i love those kind.and midnight i love labs ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • That is so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh (omg)how cute is that
Great captions everyone!
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