boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Star
: boston terrier photo Goonie

Rated: Funny

The Winning Caption is:

The power of Goonie compels you, the power of Goonie compels you!

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Mailman flavored frosting!!!! Who knew ????!!!
  • Goonie would not give up until the other two slices of cake had been hypnotized.
  • I think this cake has my name on it!
  • Liverwurst cake? with Ketchup frosting? Oh, you SHOULDN'T have!
  • CAKE! It's what's for dinner!
  • Time lapse photography reveals the fate of the cake.
  • Total Cake Anhililation in 3, 2, 1............
  • Yeah, yeah, happy BIRTHDAY already! Finish the song!
  • Ain't no party like a Goonie Dog party, cuz Goonie Dog just don't STOP!
  • It's my party and I'll drool if I want to...
  • Goonie has his cake and eats it too!
  • Whoa! I though FD & C #13 red food coloring had been banned!
  • you know what suger does to me!!!
  • "Hmm, cake or death..that's a difficult one..."
  • arrrgmurversmiff!!!! I dont have any idea what it means but i've gots me some cakey!!!
  • Goonie was NOT expecting Mr. Cake to bark back.
  • I warned you...strawberry icing makes my face swell
  • goonie was horrified to learn that the cake was "vegan"
  • Now that I have hypnotized the cake for my next trick, I will attempt to eat it!
  • They say the cake had hyponotic capabilities. Goonie was there to take it out.
  • Angels sing in the background as Goonie is stunned by the sheer beauty of a plate full of sugar.
  • Liver flavored birthday cake?!? You do love me!
  • Say your prayers, Cake!
  • Oh Me gosh ... cake ... i can't believe my eyes ... smells like everything i dreamed of all year ... ALL FOR ME !!!!
  • Do I have something on my face??
  • My eyes are definitely NOT bigger than my stomach.
  • I will not eat the cake..I will not eat the cake
  • SHreeek, somebody bled on my cake!!! Call 911!
  • Happy Birthday to me
  • My most very favorite, pink icing!
  • I'll pretend I'm really excited that I got THREE pieces of cake instead of one.
  • Gads!! It's POUND cake!!!
  • Hey! I wanted an end piece with a flower!
  • Yes, I will eat you, my pretty pink cake.
  • It's all mine. Come near it and I will lick you to death.
  • Staring contest. Goonie 10 - Cake 0.
  • Kibbles and Bits my BUTT! This is way better!
  • You made my cake with Chinese milk?!
  • It's MINE, ALL MINE!
  • Behold the power of the stinkeye!!
  • The big piece is MINE!!
  • my eyes are not bigger than my stomach!
  • My Goonie what big eyes you have...all the better to see you with. My Goonie what big jowls you have...all the better to...muff muff muff, *buurp*
  • I know you're in there, I see you!
  • Soooo close, and yet, so far..
  • Goonie tries to use his Jedi mind tricks to summon birthday cake
  • dogs dont know its not bacon?
  • The is happy.
  • Can't hold...back...much...longer!
  • This is too easy, what gives?
  • What is this pink goop on my cake!!
  • Helo ! Helooooo ? ok nobody home so ... I EAT U ! by the way who is going to pay my dentist
  • Eet iz bee-ootiful! Must have eet... must have eet...
  • Foolish human! Do not restrain me! I will have that cake no matter what!!
  • Oh my....gimme, gimme, gimme!!!
  • Forget that Atkins diet thing...bring it on!
  • i can have this right right yay all mine!!
  • Wait, what the...I SAID I WANTED CHOCOLATE. My party is RUINED...
  • oooohhhhhh!!! CAKE!!!!
  • it broke!
  • must... resist ..... on diet ..... too many carbs....
  • I gotcha where I want ya, and now I'm gonna eat ya!
  • My...precious...
  • Oh, thy sweet smell of cake!!!
  • What!!! Cake too!!! This is one heck of a suprise party.
  • OMG! OMG! OMG! CAKE!!!
  • Happy Birthday to me!!
  • It's my party and I'll try if I want to
  • Hmmmm....start with the icing and end with the cake or vice versa??
  • Good try--this ain't no two pieces!!
  • i swear i saw that piece move!!!!
  • Cake!!!! Did someone say "Cake!!" Is it my birthday? Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too? Fool
  • Have you ever tried to focus on birthday cake?? It's a tough job!
  • Ya want me to keep an eye on this for ya?
  • If this moves a fraction, I'm on it!!
  • Just a little closer.... NUM NUM NUM
  • What the heck is this? Where's the bone?!
  • mine, yea mine
  • Too late, momo decided that Goonie had already consumed way too much sugar
  • just one more!!!
  • what you say your going in my mouth oh yes you are
  • Oh my God!!! This cake is got the power to pull out my eyes...
  • I love you like a fat kid loves cake!
  • Goonie discovered to his dismay, that it is better to blow the candles out before you eat them
  • cake rage!
  • It's the lost cake of Shanghai!! I must have it!
  • Goonie is gaga over cake!!!!
  • Did you just say my butt looks fat???
  • Make one wrong move, and I WILL eat you!
  • I want my cake and I'm gonna eat it too!
  • The Cake is a Lie!
  • You are getting sleepy... very sleeeeeppppyyyy.....
  • Oooo thy name is cupcake!!!
  • Oh My Goodness, Oh My GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS !!!!!
  • I want it! I WANT IT!
  • UGH! What is this?!
  • If only we had some ice cream....
  • Goonie's eyes may be bigger than his stomach...but he's certainly going to find out!
  • 1 centimeter more soooooooo close I can almost taste it nope thaats the smell strawberries cherry wheat what I thought this was cake ow it is thats the flower.
  • SNIFF.......HEAVEN!
  • Goonie loves the cake but is very angry about the red icing on top.
  • Is that Weight Watchers?
  • Cake!
  • Man, I should have blow out the candle first before I swallowe it.
  • eye like cake!!!!!!!!
  • Whoa- frosted Frosty Paws??
  • I will become one with the cake...
  • Goonie tried to be indignant that his birthday cake was PINK but, darn it, it smelled sooooo good.
  • ummmmm i think it is strawberrie banana and iceing now can i have it?
  • Look Ma!! No paws!!
  • This time Goonie's eyes weren't bigger than her stomach.
  • They said she couldn't eat it all in one bit but Goonie knew she'd prove them wrong!
  • Hey! I ordered a la mode!
  • I thought the frosting was going to be blue!!!
  • Cccaaaakkkkeeeeee!!!!
  • mmm...strawberry cake,must get cake,can't reach cake nooo!
  • I'm so excited that my cheeks are the color of that icing!
  • If I stare hard enough It will float I swear.
  • Momma told me I should watch what I eat.
  • I told you i could cross my eyes
  • It smells so sweet... need the cake, want the cake
  • Goonie: "Cake is a very tough staring contest competitor."
  • What do you mean I've had enough sugar for today?! I don't feel a sugar rush...
  • Goonie: "Cake, you always win at staring contests." *ohm-nohm-nohm* "But I always win at eating contests!"
  • Me gotta have it! Besides, it's only like 2 weight watchers points right?
  • I never dreamed you are so beautiful up close!!!
  • AHHHHH the power of cake!
  • must..have....FROSTING!
  • dont worry little birthday girl...i will make sure no-one takes your cake!
  • What do you mean I can't have it and eat it too?!
  • Somebody stole my candle!
  • if it smells like cake, and looks like cake....... it must be cake. Is MY Birthday? I want at it.
  • it looks like cake, smells like cake, It must be CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I can SERIOUSLY have it?? I have to eat it before they change their minds!!
  • MUST........GET..........CAKE!!!!
  • JUST..A....LITTLE.....FARTHER!!!!
  • I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach.
  • Victory is mine!!
  • Goonie refined palate isn't so sure about the strawberry and spice cake combination.
  • Get it before it's too late!
  • Cake ohhh Cake and its all mine
  • Oooooh for me? Yum yum!
  • Is that carrot cake????
  • You didn't tell me that they were serving cake!!!
  • I... I just want a taste!!!
  • Goonie never knew birthdays could be so amazingly awesome!
  • Come to papa!
  • did someone say cake!?
  • I don't care whos b,day it is! come on its cake alll a dog could want.
  • My precious my precious *coughs* Goonie Goonie*coughs* let me just stare at it before it is devoured!
  • just give me the cake and no one gets hurt
  • Warning - objects on this plate are closer than they appear!
  • "I want some cake in my belly, and some frosting on my jowls."
  • Goonie psychs himself up for his 12th piece of birthday cake.
  • Oh my gosh cake, oh my gosh cake!!!! I have to have CAKE!!!!!

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • Ha! While Plumm is sunning her behind I'LL get the CAKE!!!
  • I wanna eat it, but did you see the size of Plumm's butt last week?!


  • cccccuuuuuuutttttteeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • thats so adorable
  • There are cute dogs, but Goonie really TAKES THE CAKE!
  • its so adorable !!! yummy cake..
  • I love how his pink muzzle matches the pink frosting! Too cute.
  • The best picture of the week ever!!! I love it!
  • Cute! Cute! Cute!
Great captions everyone!
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