boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Stars:
boston terrier photoLilly the Guinea Pig & boston terrier photo Harrison
Rated: Cute

The Winning Caption is: Prison visits are always so heartbreaking.

Outstanding Submissions:

  • quid pro quo harrison, i tell you things, you tell me things.
  • Harrison couldn't help but wonder about the nature of Lilly's misdemeanour.
  • AAAAAH! The cloning experiment FAILED!!!
  • me at the running wheel at midnight tonight and I'll get you out of here.
  • Hey, you kinda look like Bergamot's "Devil's Kitty", you're not going to surprise me with anything, are you?
  • Harrison loves having his own pet to care for.
  • "There's an ile-fey in the ake-cay"
  • Are you my cousin from my Ma's side of the family?
  • I told you they'd put you away for giving me a black eye!
  • This magic moment...
  • It doesn't look like this is going to be one of the conjugal visits
  • Harrison gets his way with the gals by pretending that he was on Johnny Quest...
  • What in the world have they been feeding you?
  • "Are you the 'devils kitty?"
  • Whoa! You are having a bad hair day!
  • Lilly, my secret identity is really Kung Fu Panda! Back away from the bars and I will free you!
  • So when you hear the signal "caw-caw... caw-caw!" it's go time! Just get off the wheel and head for the door.
  • "I'm gonna win this staring contest..."
  • What is that a dust bunny
  • ~~Are You Sure You Are Not A Baby Boston?~~
  • If you stopped farting, they wouldn't lock you up as much....
  • I've got a plan to get you outta here, is what I'm going to do....
  • Lilly are we related? We're the same colors!
  • OMG!!!!It's LOOKING AT ME!!!!
  • Mmmmm. It sure doesn't smell like tomato juice....
  • Mom...I think something's wrong with the puppy! Something doesn't smell right...
  • Wow, it looks like me, but sure doesn't smell like me.
  • I'll be back at 2 o'clock to bust you out, be ready we won't have much time...
  • Are you having a staring contest with me?
  • It's just like looking in the mirror!
  • You don't smell like a Boston, but you kindda look like one.
  • its ok little buddy ill help you get out
  • why do you get a cage?
  • HA HA thats what you get you little rat!
  • pssst...Harrison, you break me outta here and I will show you the greatest adventure you've ever had!
  • Shhh, I'm gonna get you out!
  • Are you my mother?
  • Hey, turn around so I can smell your butt.
  • Ok, so this is how we're going to bust you out of this joint...
  • You look like a BT, but you sure don't smell like one.
  • Momma?
  • If you let me out of here.. I can stand on your shoulders and we can get the door open.. After that FREEDOM!!!
  • My cage is bigger than your cage.
  • Dinner?????
  • That's right kid, I'm bustin' you out....
  • Don't worry Lilly, they don't know it's me, I'm wearing a mask!
  • For a baby you sure got small ears.
  • "What IS this furry little rat thing anyway? Looks like a Boston, but whew-wee! This thing is STANKY!
  • Don't worry Lilly, as soon as you are able to hold it all day they will let you out!
  • "Whoa!! I thought I was suposed to have markings like the skunk!?!"
  • Hey ma why is her hair longer then mine?
  • I wonder which one of us is the stinkiest?
  • Hey! Let's be bi-color buddies!
  • Mommy?
  • Harrison sniffed again and thought to himself,Lilly looks like devil kitty!but thank God she doesn't smell like devil kitty!!!!!!
  • Mom? - I think this boston terrier shrunk! Did you wash him?
  • Hey, We both look alike!
  • So what did ya do to be behind bars?
  • Wow! Is that an Altoid breath mint i smell? It seems to be courestly stong.
  • Pork! the other white meat!
  • Romeo and Juilet had NOTHING on us, Lily.
  • I will let you out if you promise you aren't a skunk!
  • Are you my mommy?
  • Guinea Pig? I don't think so, it looks like the Devil's Kitty!
  • "look into my will open the latch..."
  • "look buster! i am NOT a skunk!"
  • no...Harrison...i am not a furry boston terrier!
  • Lilly, I am pretty sure you has cheese in there. Where you hide it?
  • Stop acting so nervous. Stick with the plan, act cool and you can break me out when they go to bed.
  • After a traumatic experience with a skunk, Harrison just wanted to make sure there was no danger of stink.
  • Guinea Terrier Kisses!!!!!!!
  • Marry me, my dear Lilly, and I will rescue you from this cage!
  • Wow! It's a mini-me!!
  • Hmm, you don't look anything like me...
  • *whispers* when I pull the door open, that's when you make your escape, okay?
  • Harrison: Wull, hullo thar little feller. Yew look like that Guinea Pig chew tow I ripped to shreds last night! Lilly: You look surprisingly like the Boston Terrier that is about to fall off a cliff in my upcoming daydream!
  • Minnie ME!!!
  • You Wanna Play??
  • you wanna get out??
  • A forbidden love. "I will wait for you"
  • Lilly,,,,how many times have I TOLD you, as soon as you learn to hold it till they get home, you'll be able to stay out here!
  • "Ok... Lilly, I'll distract them with my Indian Jones impersonation, while you make your get-a-away!"
  • i'm going to open the latch, thats when you make a run for it
  • Harrison is confused to why mommy put dinner in a cage......
  • Hey! you kinda look like the thing i ate in the garden last week!
  • Oh boy! a new friend to eat! just like the last one!
  • Lilly goes to investigate this beast....she hasn't yet heard what happened to the last Guinea pig....
  • Lilly you are the weirdest looking boston that I have ever seen and you smell funny too
  • I'll get you out of there!
  • Hey it looks like that smelly kitty i played with!
  • Fun house mirrors rock!
  • Harrison promised Lilly he would get her out before they clipped her nails.
  • Harrison the doggie burglar sizes up his next target....
  • Oh My God! They shrunk you and put you in a cage!
  • Good grief it's a mini me !!!!!!!!!
  • "One of these is not like the other..."
  • Harrison asks Lilly: "Do you have a snorky button, too?"
  • ...and then little white riding hood Lilly said to Harrison, "My, what big eyes you have!"
  • Don't worry, baby, I'll get you out of here- stay tough!!
  • Just the two of us- we can make it if we try!
  • You're gonna fry, you little rodent! No one eats my kibbles and lives!
  • So, you taste like chicken?
  • No, "Boston" not "Panda!"
  • As soon as I find my fedora and bullwhip I'll get you outta here!
  • don't worry, soon you'll have no worries.
  •'s the plan. I'll spring the door and you jump out, but no squealing or we'll be busted, and I'm not going to jail for ANY guinea pig!
  • Oh NO! This is "Honey I shrink the Kids" all over again!
  • We're coming to break you out tonight, be ready!
  • Gimme the password and I'll get you out!
  • Lilly, are you SURE you're not a skunk?!
  • Mom! Lilly's lookin at me! Make her stop!
  • I love this!
  • Don't worry baby, I'll spring you from this joint one day!
  • we escape at midnight!
  • This trick mirror makes me look just like a furry little rodent!
  • Hang on Lilly! I'm gonna spring ya.
  • "what are YOU lookin' at?!"
  • Cuz? Is that you?
  • hey cuz. why do u smell funny?
  • Can I eat it?
  • Lilly: Got carrots? Harrison: Got cheese?
  • I think I really love you !!!!
  • I think it will work were both black and white!!
  • "Inside the loaf of bread, you'll find a metal file..."
  • What is this "puppy"? I never saw one this before! Why can't he come out and play!!!!
  • hey skunkie boy--we breakin' out tonite!
  • How long before you get out of the clink, Cuz?
  • A brother from another mother?
  • You don't look like a long haired Boston.
  • Come out and play!
  • Whoa, What happened to you?!
  • Pee-u! Lilly, have you been rolling around in the food again?!
  • Ok...I checked on the humans...they are asleep, and I unlatched the what?
  • When I slide the door, you make a run for it!
  • I know where they keep the keys- just wait 'til tonight at midnight
  • It's black and white- like me. But it's so SMALL!
  • Do you smell like Fritos?
  • Well...he looks a little like me...but I don't think he is mine!
  • Are you my mother?
  • oh lilly !! can you come out and play ask your mom
  • Who's your Daddy????
  • Lilly and Harrison make plans for the great escape !!!!!
  • Are we related?
  • Lilly, I will get you out tonight when everyone has gone to bed.
  • did you fart or did i
  • Are you one of my kind or not? I cannot tell...
  • Harrison bonded with Lilly because she was black & white too
  • What're ya in for?
  • What is this? A new puppy or is this my dinner? I can't tell!!!! MOM!!!!!!!
  • RUN Harrison, you only get alfalfa in here!!!
  • Fear not Sweet Lilly, I shall free you from this cage and you can come live with me.
  • It looks like an Oreo!!!!!!!!!! GIMMIE
  • I'll have you out on parole in no time!
  • Did you squeal like a pig?
  • peek-a-boo!
  • Nosing around
  • Was that ur fart or mine
  • Please, Harrison, you've gotta get me out of here! The food is awful and I'm going stir-crazy lookin' at these bars!

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • The Masked Boston (aka Harrison) has come to rescue his faithful sidekick Lilly the Guinea Pig from the clutches of their arch nemesis, and part time lifejacket model Daisy.


  • cute
  • awwwwwwwww! tooooo cute!
  • I LOVE it! Harrison's "mask" is the coolest!
  • best picture ever
  • adorable!
  • tooo cute!
Great captions everyone!
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