boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Stars:
boston terrier photoLola & boston terrier photoOllie
Rated: Funny

The Winning Caption is:
MOM! This beannie baby bites!

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Tap out son. Tap out.
  • Lola soon realized the handpuppet wasn't so cute after all.
  • Lola was unfazed when Ollie the alien popped out of her chest.
  • Snap out of it!!
  • I'll bite your legs off! (From Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
  • Get your stinkin' hands off me, you damn dirty ape!!
  • "...I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
  • Uncle!!
  • WHEW!!! OLLIE! Your breath smells like mint! Go lick something gross right now!
  • OK!OK! I'm sorry. You aren't 3 ax handles wide.
  • Get me outta this Muay Thai clinch. I tapped out.
  • I have you now my little pretty.
  • Lola pioneers a new baby Boston sitting technique- flattening Ollie into submission.
  • Showgirl? I'll SHOW YOU!!
  • Nope- still needs more oregano...
  • I do not "Taste like chicken'!
  • New for your dog, the "My Little Buddy: Boston Edition"! Comes complete with snarling and barking sounds!
  • Lola was not happy with the unflattering bobble-head gift, and let them know it!
  • OK, OK, I'll stop calling you cyclops!
  • "Who's in charge? Say it, SAY IT...." "ok ok its you, YOU are in charge"
  • Stop! Stop! I swear if you don't stop tickling me, I'll pee my pants!
  • ~~ I won't do it again, I promise~
  • ***Don´t move Ollie, I'm triying to do a "Boston tortilla"!!!
  • Stop tickling, you are going to make me pee my pants!
  • Say "Uncle!"
  • Lola pins Ollie in the Boston-Mania VIII!
  • I know i am little but i will beat you!
  • For the last time...tell me where you hid the raw-hide!
  • "I promise! I promise! I wont play with your toys ever again!!!"
  • Look Mom, no cavities!
  • Lola: I GET THE LAST PIECE OF BACON!!!! Ollie: NO I DO!!!
  • Alright already! UNCLE!
  • If you kill me two more will take my place!
  • For the last time.. My name is Ollie not Ballie!!
  • Uncle, Lola! I say UNCLE!
  • Ollie discovers that NOT ALL girls are sissies.
  • Lola shows Ollie what happens to puppies who steal the last Cheese Nip cracker from underneath the sofa.
  • Two heads are better then 1............maybe not
  • you will never take me!! ahhhhh!!!!!!!
  • Tell me where you hid my KONG!!!
  • Why do you always have to be the one to start trouble. Now Say Uncle!
  • " i swear i didn't hide the cuz!!"
  • "mom!!!"
  • bitey face round one goes to Liver Lips Lola
  • Geez mom, I really wanted a bear skin rug!
  • Lola! if you love me, let me be on top!
  • Olympic Gold for Lola! pinned Ollie to the mat in world record time!
  • Say it! I'm the Master of Stink Eye!!
  • Have you ever seen the movie Alien?
  • Look mom.. It's mini-me!!!
  • I may be little but I've got puppy breath!!!
  • Boston wrestling, the new Olympic sport!
  • I see the cause of your pain. Why didn't you come to me sooner with that cavity? Now this is going to hurt you more than me.
  • “I’VE GOT YOU RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU” said the little one on the ground getting it’s butt kicked.- Mark
  • Lola takes down Ollie and goes for the pin.
  • Mmmmm... this puppy tastes like chicken!
  • Who loves you baby!
  • The next time I catch you doing that, I will open a can of whoopass!!!
  • I'm going to give you the biggest rasberry seen this side of the Rockies!
  • You'll Never Take MY Chew Toy ALIVE!
  • AAAHHHHHHHH!!! I got you!!!!!!!!
  • Uncle! Uncle! Uncllllllllle!
  • Uncle, uncle!
  • I said, "I don't wanna go to bed!"
  • Your breath is horrible! You lied about eating the cats presents!
  • Say Uncle or i'll squeeze you harder!
  • OK, I give up. You can have the window seat.
  • Lola's personal mini-me strikes again!!
  • Do I have something stuck in my teeth??
  • "UNCLE! UNCLE! The spot on your head is NOT the MARK OF THE DEVIL!
  • OH STOP, I'm going to pee myself...
  • get off of me!!!!
  • Ever seen a Boston grin?
  • No! I don't want to take a bath!
  • it's not the size of the dog in the fight...
  • Now, tell me where the treats are hidden!
  • ...and the boxer said to the doberman, "I'll bite!"
  • UNCLE - UNCLE, get off me!
  • Help!!
  • I told them I wanted a kitten...not a black and white growly thing!!!
  • I can make you sing. All i have to do is bite your paw.
  • I said that's MY bully stick!!!
  • We ain't fighting! I am merely showing my little brother how to pin an opponent.
  • Gremlin 4 - Gremlin vs Gizmo - The Ultimate Battle
  • Lola's mini-me!
  • I said, "Get off me!"
  • "NO! You can't make me say uncle!"
  • "Mom, sister's on top of me!"
  • I will NOT let you up until you say, "UNCLE !!"
  • Lola and Ollie practice their Wrestling Moves for the "Puppy Olympics" !!
  • maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaama!!!!
  • upper hand eh?
  • SAY UNCLE!!!!!
  • I told you to stop looking at the dot on my head!!!
  • who's you're daddy?
  • who's you're mommy?
  • I's da boss of you!!!
  • Uncle!!!
  • "Don't MAKE me release the flying monkeys!"
  • "Listen PUNK! I'm the boss around here"
  • Do I still havee my tonsils?
  • I am bigger than you and don't you forget it!
  • Don't just stand there watching! Help me!
  • Walk away. This does not concern you.
  • Yumm, tastes like chicken.
  • Quit your squawkin'! I'm only trying to hug you!
  • Lola suddenly realizes that the bat that bit her was no oridinary bat!
  • Having tasted cheese,the evil sock puppet vowed to not go quietly.
  • Uncle! Uncle!
  • K9 Bellic Terror!
  • AH haha heehee hee! No fair tickling!
  • Alright, Lola! I've got you RIGHT where I want you! I mean it! Seriously, this is part of my strategy!
  • Yes, it was me! I ate your get OFFA ME!
  • Ollie,dear, you haven't been flossing regularly!
  • Aha! Now I've got you!
  • eww look what i hacked up!!!
  • I called dibs on the last Milk Bone you little runt!
  • Nope. I don't see it. Are you SURE you swallowed it?
  • Lola and Ollie decide to act out their favorite scene from "Alien"
  • "I won't bite my brother again Mom! Really, I won't!!"
  • Age and wisdom always conquer youth and vitality!
  • What you say?!?!?
  • He should be in the NFL. Talk about a tackle!
  • Pinned ya!
  • I want to suck your blood!
  • Uncle Uncle!
  • One, Two Three, you're Pinned
  • "ok okaaaayyyy! i'l tell you where i hid the bone!!"
  • "i kill you with my breath! "
  • "open wider...ollie...i KNOW you ate my treat!"
  • It's over,tiny!Say your last words!
  • Lola and Ollie rehearse for there next big part in the new Aliens movie, THE BOSTONS COMITH
  • These Mini-Me chew toys sure are tasty!
  • parenting is also hard work for Bostons , but you still get to play with the baby.

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • noooo please don't feed me to angus the hamper sock-eater


  • This makes me want another Boston puppy!
  • Hilarious, I love watching Boston Terriers wrestle!
  • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
  • wow
  • haha thats funny.
  • haha always a boston! that's like my two always at each others throats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great captions everyone!
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