boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Star: boston terrier photo Kumo

Rated: Cute

Winning Caption: Three bottles of milk on the wall, *hick* three bottles of milk . . .

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Congratulations..its a Boston Terrier
  • Party at my crib..... BYOB
  • Good thing it wasn't a six-pack!
  • Milk Coma.
  • (Singing) "Let me tell you about my Bestfriend!"
  • After a hard night of partying, Kumo would learn the real meaning of hangover.
  • Kumo: Poster child of the evils of hitting the bottle young!
  • Some puppies never get off the bottle.
  • Stuff most puppies only dream of.
  • Kumo proves that a bottle of warm milk has a relaxing effect.
  • Fluffy dog bed: $25 Stuffed baby bottle- $15 A Baby Boston terrier at rest- Priceless!
  • Kumo is just like his daddy. Always hitting the bottle.
  • Widdle baby fell asleep while eating his noo-noo.
  • Hush a-by Baby...
  • Kumo's had a few too many.
  • I knew they took me away from Mom too soon.....
  • Hey! Keep it down! Trying to sleep here!
  • Rockabye Kumo, on the fuzzy blue bed...
  • sigh.... who needs siblings?
  • Baby Kumo finally succumbs to milk belly.
  • Only a Boston could SuckDry a plush milk bottle!
  • Little did Kumo know that his new humans put a sleeping potion in his plush milk bottle!
  • It's a hard life, but someone has to do it
  • Mmmmmm...the stuff that dreams are made of.
  • Kumo turns away, horrified, that her soft pink toenails do not match her blue ensemble.
  • Being a Baby Boston is hard work!
  • Life just doesn't get any better than this!
  • Kumo really needs to lay off the bottle
  • nothing better than a full belly to sleep on
  • And Ma said I wouldnt make it on my own
  • NO WAY I'm not a bottle baby
  • No...more...milk...I'm sleepy...zzzzzzz
  • Man this stuff is a lot stronger than I thought!
  • Blue Blue My world is blue, I just sleep away all the blues.
  • Hang-over? How 'bout a little hair of the dog to get ya going!
  • No please... look away, I'm a disgrace...just let me drown my sorrows. She was the best thing that ever happened to me!
  • Hey- I see a quarter down there!
  • Got milk???
  • Kumo turns his nose up at the thought of a non fat half-skim half soy, shaken not stirred bottle.
  • i'm a lil baby bumblebee won't my momm be so proud of me ain't i adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • shhh... after a bottle kumo is snuggly in his bed sleeping happily in dream land........
  • I need to lay off the sauce!!
  • It was evident to all that Kumo had been hitting the bottle again....
  • They always say that milk helps you fall asleep!
  • kumo is now weaned from the breast onto the bottle
  • waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I want my momma!!!
  • forget this bottle give me a beer.
  • I know I'm too old for this, but it brings back memories...
  • Too Much Milk! Must Stop! Getting too chubby!
  • I have it maid, what more could I ask for - well maybe A nice juicy steak !!
  • Shhhh! Sleeping baby boston.
  • wow this is the best tasting gin there is ...
  • A candid photo of Kumo after a hard night of hitting the bottle.
  • Paradise!
  • Diet Coke has nothing on my "Fat Free, No Calorie and No Taste Milk”
  • Sumtim smells mighty good back there.
  • Sugarfoot!!!
  • Kuma is grateful that Momma's company allows new mothers to bring the baby to work for the first few months.
  • Hush little baby don't say a word....
  • I've got to stop this late night drinking.
  • Me no sleep without with out ba-ba!
  • Guess who just saw the boogeyman?
  • GaGa Goo Goo.Sweet baby dog.
  • how many times have I told you not to put Kumo to bed?!
  • a little warm milk will do it every time
  • Hold me!
  • can`t drink any more milk must take nap!!
  • Mommy I found one of my baby photos!!!
  • "What food, What wine, Where the heck did I dine? Lets do it again!"
  • You said, "BYOB"!
  • Milk, it does a Boston good!
  • Give the baby its bottle!
  • Meep!!!
  • Kumo baba nigh-nigh.
  • "My space"
  • a nice warm bottle puts me right to sleep!
  • I'm sooo sleepy.
  • I feel like I just had Thanksgiving Dinner.
  • E.T boston style
  • still alittle hung over from friday nights outing with the boys!
  • Take Sominex tonight and sleep, sleep, sleep...
  • Doh! I hate it when it squirts in my eye...
  • Mamas may come and go, but my Baa-baa is always with me!
  • When I wake up again I'm sure it will be lunch time, lets hope.
  • OH-EW.....Got some milk in my eye.
  • I give Kumo a bottle, take him to work, and he sleeps all day!
  • Oh how I love my ba ba!
  • Now that I've drank my ba ba I need my bwankie!
  • Aren't I just the cutest thing you've ever seen?
  • Kumo's attempt at running with the big dogs the night before backfires on him.
  • I loves me some fuzz-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
  • Man!!! These hospital beds are soft!
  • Can I have another 12 ouncer?
  • drinking problems often start early for young Bostons
  • even the most hyper of baby Bostons can be calmed with a slug of gin in their bottle
  • soft bed: $9.50; baby bottle: $3.00; not having to share with your litter mates: priceless

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • Kumo partied a little too hard with Oreo and Mr. Carrot!


  • Just when we think we've seen every adorable baby picture, along comes one more to ooh- and aah- over. Love this Little Boy Blue. Such a little angel!
  • What an angel!
  • *Note to parents: The milk bottle only has just about a week or two more before the stuffing will be torn out and strung throughout the house.
  • tht is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!
  • This is the sweetest Boston picture you have ever posted...just like an angel
  • The innocence is are blessed!
  • The epitome of preciousness!
  • What a sweet baby!
  • that is soooo cute a kodak moment for sure
  • I have never seen anything so cute and wonderful... Does it get any better than that? I don't think so.. How adorable
  • Iwuv itty-biddy boston babies....!
  • its so funny
  • aw its so cute and funny
  • AWWWWWW!just like a real baby!!!
  • Awwwwww......sweet dreams my prince.
  • Cutie
  • Too cute for words!!!.....except that....and that.....
  • Can I have this puppy?!
  • A-A-A-A_A-W! This may be the cutest BT pic ever!
  • awsome how did you do it!!!!!!!!!
  • This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
  • Very very sweet pic

Great captions everyone!
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