boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Stars: Bailey (top) & Bosley
Rated: Cute

Winning Caption: Bailey and Bosley check out the rumor that the new neighbor is their vet!

Outstanding Submissions:

  • "Hey Bosley, is the grass greener?" "I dunno Bailey, I'm color blind too!"
  • Were practicing to be a totem pole.
  • To their dismay, Bailey & Bosley found that not only had the contractor put the gate in the wrong place, the handles were too high as well.
  • Hey Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat and Stymie, can we come in and play with Petie?
  • Once a ball goes in the belongs to the BEAST!
  • it greener?
  • Mom, are you still mad about the petunias?
  • Can we come over and play?
  • Uh? did anyone see a squirrel back here?
  • I guess the grass IS always greener on the other side!
  • *cue Mission Impossible theme*
  • I don't see that big rottweiler, make a run for the ball and I'll cover you!
  • Is he gone! bailey! your going to attract uh oh the cat!
  • Bailey you go scare the boxer and I will get the treats! Hey Bosley can it be the other way around?
  • Aw, man! Emrys and Bergamot got a deluxe swimming pool! I'm so jealous!
  • okay bosley when does the peep show start
  • Another BT escape foiled by Mama
  • Sigh, we really need about 10 of us to do this.
  • OK, here comes that cat - on the count of three, we go.
  • I told you before. . . the paparazzi are everywhere!!!
  • Sand Trap!
  • If we only had nozzles the world would be ours.
  • One the count of three...let's make a run for it...
  • See, I told you, nobody is watching the gate.
  • What do you think, Bosley? Is it safe? Is that frisky feline gone?
  • I think the coast is clear...let's move out!
  • just one more inch to freedom!
  • Behold the rare two-headed Boston.
  • OK, you grab the mail and I'll nip his heels!
  • Coast is clear, we're breaking out - let's make a run for it!
  • Rats, foiled again!
  • Taking A peek at the outside world
  • Do you think the coast is clear yet Bosley?
  • "Honey...we're home!!!"
  • "Peek-a-boo! I see you!"
  • Shut up! They'll never look for us here!
  • I hope thats your paw, thats pokin' me!
  • "Peek-a-boo! I see you!"
  • The Pawshank Redemption.
  • Bailey says "Bosley I told you your head was too big, now we're stuck!"
  • And ladies and gentlemen over to my right you will find our most popular attraction the... two-headed boston terrier!
  • The lesser known poster for the international release of Mission Impossible 3.
  • "Lemme see, lemme see!!"
  • We NEVER get invited to the neighbor's barbeques!
  • The 2-headed Boston peeks from his lair...
  • You go first Bosley. No, you go first Bailey!
  • Are they gone yet?
  • ok,when the coast is clear you distract him and I'll grab the goodies!
  • Kirk to Enterprise, beam us up Scotty, theres no intellegent life here.
  • The real tooth fairy
  • Bailey to Bosley: "It looks like a 2004 white knotted bone. That was a good year!"
  • I told you not to throw the ball over the fence!!! Now we'll never get it back!!!
  • Okay, he's not looking. On my signal, get ready, go!
  • You go first, no you go first, no you!
  • Quit shoving, she hasn't said action yet.
  • they will never find me here.
  • Bosley! will you move! I can't see anyting with your big head in the way! HEY HEY HEY! Bailey, your head is just as big as mine!
  • Pssstt...What's the password?
  • Uhhh... Bailey? Yea Bosley? What are you standing on?
  • Pssst! Bosley what do you think their talkin' about?
  • Ready or not herrrreeeee we come!!!
  • BAILEY! If you want to learn to evesdrop, you have to be QUIET!
  • "Cool, the poodles are skinny-dipping again!
  • what's that fury thing out there? Should we bark or just watch??
  • The rare and elusive two-headed Boston captured on film.
  • Shhh. where is he? We MUST prove once and for all that Bostons are not "sweet"
  • The famous Boston TOTEM POLE
  • Okay, who's going first?
  • "Get back, she might see us."
  • Lets go find spanky.
  • "Bosley! You've got to hold still, otherwise I'm going to FALL!!"
  • this week on cops.....
  • pssst come here kitty I have something for you !!
  • Peek-A-Boo, I see you!!
  • I told you they were skinny dipping!!
  • Hey! I wanna see too!
  • Hey, how come you always get the top!!"
  • Shhhhhhh! Bailey did you find the cat collaer? WHAT! I mean what? OPPS! I think the CAT found us!
  • "Hey, their grass IS greener."
  • WE ARE FREEE! well at least our heads are...
  • Okay, Bosley, the coast is clear. You go first!
  • passsssst!! rufus over here
  • Ok Bosley once we get through here the steaks on the grill are ours!
  • Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are You???
  • this week on cops*bad dog edition*......
  • wanted for break ''out''
  • bailey:do you think thell buy the two headed dog trick? bosley:just stare um down
  • Bailey:drat!they caught us! Bosley:just keep looking innocent
  • Bailey and Bosley attempt to push on through to the other side.
  • Quick Mom's not looking...........
  • The grass is always greener...
  • Is the coast clear?
  • I told you if we came at the right time we'd see that Frenchie...nude!
  • I told them if they kept snuggling too close that they would get stuck like look at 'em!
  • Well, what d'ya know?! The grass really IS greener!
  • Hey Bosley, move over, I can't see.
  • Psssssst, come here, wanna buy some shiny new hubcaps?
  • 3..2..1..Ollie Ollie Oxen Free!!!
  • Are they gone yet? I hate when they look for the cookie snatchers!
  • mission possible. peanut butter nutter butters on the picnic table. we're so there.
  • elementary, my dear Watson, elementary
  • Baily and Bosley check out the babe next door rolling in something really stinky.
  • I think there gone.
  • "Do you think old man Felix will give us our ball back?"
  • I'm telling you, we can make it, if we just suck it in and squeeze through.
  • Bailey and Bosley's take on a Boston Terrier Totem Pole.
  • Oh snap!!!!! Do u think she saw us??? Lets just sneak in, act like we were here the whole time....and they'll never know (hopefully)...
  • move over i want to seeeeeee!!!!!
  • Bailey and Bosley discover a secret passage to the place where the female Bostons change collars.
  • Can you see the cute Chihuahua neighbor sunbathing, Bosley? Huh? Huh? Huh?
  • Alright Bosley on the count of 3 we are gonna jump out and bark surprise..
  • Looks like the coast is clear!! Whatcha think?
  • Do you see what I see?
  • Bailey and Bosley are smitten with the new poodle next door....
  • Beware, the 2-headed boston that guards the gates of hell.....
  • You think they can see us?
  • Is it safe? I think we're in the clear - LET'S GO!!
  • Quick, you go get the squirrel, I'll watch your back
  • peek-a-boo
  • You idiot!! You knocked the cuz ball way over there!
  • Bailey and Bosley contemplate venturing into the "big, mean, kitty's yard to get their lost ball.
  • Coast is clear. Operation "escape" is a go!
  • I told you it was a nudist camp!
  • The latest in the Boston Terrier, peeping tom case!
  • You see Bosley, that is how our neighbours eat all the strawberries in our garden.
  • Do you think they can see us?
  • Ok Bosley, you run to the left and create a diversion-- I'll sneak to the left and grab the goodies-- meet you back here!
  • one more good push and that ice cream truck is ours!!!
  • "Quick, Bos, PUSH! If we take this short-cut, we can still make it to the soapbox derby in time to see The Boston Bullet cross the finish line!"
  • Hey Bailey...I told you we weren't allowed to go this time!
  • You go left, I'll go right.
  • I think I smell barbeque over there
  • It's a big world out there.
  • Is she pretty? I want to see...let me see....can she us? Is this legal? My turn! Bailey and Bosley had an opportunity to catch a peek at their newest boston neighbor.
  • Hey, look, who's that cute girl over there... Let me see....oh she is cute !
  • Wait til Mom gets in the car...then we can make a run for it!
  • all right bosley! go get the charlies angels. the coast is clear.
  • Are We clear from cats bailey? BOSLEY BE QUEIT!
  • Bailey... get off my head before I have a SPAZ ATTACK!
  • you let know as soon as you see someone coming,and I will drop this water balloon
  • hey mister wilson!
  • hey neighbor! check out my new hat?
  • I told you superglue wouldnt work! next time we use NAILS to fix the fence!
  • Shhhh! I think they're sleeping. You take the gray one and I'll get the calico- they'll never spray in our yard again!
  • "Quit pushin' Bailey - you're givin' me splinters!"
  • "Hey Moe wher'es Larry?" "Quiet ya numbscull they might see us."
  • Do you see her? Yeah I see her.. she's getting a bath!!!
  • okay Baily, on the count of!!!
  • i thought o told you to stop looking at those weimaraner puppies over there Bosley!!
  • Where did everybody go?
  • Just Nosey
  • Enter at your own risk
  • With my powers of cuteness, I will destroy this fence.
  • If only our noses were longer we'd have already pushed this board outta our way.
  • Boston Totem Pole!
  • Hey bosley, looks like the coast is clear!! let's make a run for the nearest petsmart for some treats!
  • Hey what's the score! i knew we should have bought a ticket to the game. Bosley you such a cheap scape!
  • Oh yeah! you're right bailey, she is a beauty in her bikini!
  • It's just not fair, we want to go too!
  • do my eyes deseve me or do i see them eating BAR-B-Q!!!
  • PSST Do you think the coast is clear Bos?
  • whats that?What?see it over there.where,i don't see's over there.I still don't see it!!!!!!!!!


  • That is sooo cute!
  • how cute!!!!!
  • That's just really cute!!!!!!!!


Great captions everyone!
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