Special Guest Stars:
Ozzie & Remi

Rated: Funny

Winning Caption: Now this, this right here . . . THIS is why I hate Twister!

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Five second rule!!!
  • Risk versus Reward
  • obsesion can put you in places you dont want to be
  • Oh, my God!!! Ozzie, I thought you said "tutored!"
  • Yep, you've been fixed.
  • Evidence on what can happen if you tailing or follow the next doggie too closely.
  • The desire for treat theft, overides the fart avoidance instinct.
  • Quick, call my lawyer. I've been rear-ended!
  • Ready? Hut...Hut..
  • okay Remi?...lets try this one last time...in leap frog, you go over not under...
  • Keep your eye on the prize, Remi. Whatever it takes...eye on the prize.
  • My bum is on your head... my bum is on your head.
  • After having a few, Ozzie and Remi commenced their ill-fated game of 'reverse leap-frog'.
  • If we pull this off, we'll make the tallest Boston ever!
  • Wanna piggyback ride?
  • Can you hear me now? Good.
  • Watch Remi battle through the most fowl of obstacles in order to win the GRAND PRIZE...The Amazing Beige Thingy!!!!!
  • Boston finally has a new NFL team!
  • It's Leap FROG, not Leap Dog!
  • Do you like my hat?
  • Even though you think you own that ... IT'S MINE!
  • Pardon me, but are you going to finish that?
  • im to short to see over you, so why not under you?!
  • You are witness to a typical Boston traffic jam, aka. reason #1 for the Big Dig.
  • The only known existing Boston Terrier Siamese Twins: Ozzie-butt and Remi head.
  • 10-24-15....Hike!
  • Nope! I Don't see any problem with your engine!
  • leap frog gone bad
  • Ok! The trick is to act natural & try to blend....
  • Siamese Friends
  • "Remi...BEHAVE, please!"
  • Don't stop so fast, Ozzie, you'll get a butt-head implant!!
  • Ummmmmm dude! Thats my head you're sitting on!
  • "I'm stuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!"
  • i don't think you quite get the point of leapfrog!
  • 4th and 10, Boston's behind and things aren't looking up.
  • What smells so good?!
  • I beg your pardon!
  • Ok, now you squat down and I leap. Isn't leap frog fun?!?
  • Careful..careful then pounce!
  • Woo Hoo! Leap frog.
  • Almost there, if I were only chihuaua sized....
  • Is this why they call me "BUTTHEAD"??
  • If I'm really quick I can do this!!
  • "Any closer Remi and i release the bomb!"
  • You do what you have to do when your hungry!
  • Ozzie and Remie are a great team for the wheelbarrow race.
  • Unfortunatly for Ozzie, Remi did not tell him she was a horible leap-frog player until it was too late.
  • Hey Ozzie- would you hang fire for a sec?
  • what do you think? snap and grab technique, or slink and slide?
  • Ozzie: Remi, are you sure this is how I get on for my doggie-back ride?
  • Remi: what's that on my head? Ozzie: what's that under my 'doghood'?
  • I've been hypnotized by the raw hide. Nothings getting between me and that raw hide, nothing!
  • Remi, you're supposed to go OVER me, not under me to form a Boston congo line!
  • If I could just get my head out of this butt...
  • No Remi, I don't need a boost!
  • Humans may have their friends check their breath...but with dogs...it's the other way around!
  • WHOA!!!!! Ozzie...you gotta start spraying air freshener or somethin' down here...
  • Ozzie thinks, "How odd. My genitals have sprouted a face."
  • Ozzie...next time we play leap frog watch that landing
  • "Hey Remi, I'll let you have the bone under one conditon, First you have to Pull my paw"
  • Come on get on my shoulders so we can play chicken, okay
  • Ahh!!A little help here!-__- I'm stuck!!
  • Ally-oop!
  • "Here's your Boston goose!"
  • "Hey, I'll share my rawhide, if you let me sit on your head for awhile!" "Ok, how's this?"
  • Conga line!
  • Thats the most beautiful piece of hide Ive ever seen, I cant take my bulging eyes off of it!
  • It will be mine!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • I'm stuck and I can't get the rawhide!
  • It's BACON!!!!!!
  • Whats it like under there???
  • Since if chewed up that Lego, I have compelling urges
  • Ozzie, ever on guard against Remi's sneak attack, lets loose with his best defense.....The Stink Bomb.
  • tunnel vision at its best!
  • Do you think he knows I'm here??
  • Ozzie, Stay there and watch.. I will sneak up and get it from behind!
  • Remi-"Hut one, Hut two...hut hut Hike"
    Ozzie-"I'm gonna HIKE on your head if you don't step away from my chewy"
  • Mom said we are supposed to share!!
  • It's mine! I saw it first!
  • A game of leapdog.
  • ozzie,I said i was sorry please talk to me,please.
  • Ozzie did not quite get the hang of leap frog....
  • A panicked Remi suddenly realized that it had been some time since Ozzie had had his glands expressed.
  • Well, I KNOW I'm not out of gas. Better take a look under the hood...
  • "Put a Boston in your butt!" (remember that old Eddie Murphy song?)
  • I forgot to put on SPF. Must find shade for my pretty little face! This spot looks nice.
  • I should have used "Preparation H".
  • Holy cow! Look at that rawhide! I think my only chance is a sneak attack from the rear.
  • Alright...casting for the new production...Ozzie, you got the part of Constipated Carl...and Remi, you are my new Port-a-potty!!!!!
    Ladies & Gentlemen the very FIRST set of Boston SIAMESE TWINS!. They have adjusted well except for the fact that the "back" twin only eats leftovers. They also serve as an excellent DOUBLE strength carpet vacuum!
  • Remi:"WHERE'S THE BEEF?!?" Ozzie: "I told you Remi.. That was old in the 80's!"


  • Aww thats so cute
  • Thats to darn cute!
  • they're cute, but this picture is just so funny
  • awww too cute

Great captions everyone!
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