Special Guest Stars:
Daisy & Tucker
Daisy (foreground) & Tucker (background)
Rated: Wild & Crazy

Winning Caption: Daisy you're clear for takeoff...Tucker stand by

Outstanding Submissions:

  • After Tucker released the giant rubber band, Daisy was on her own.
  • Wait, Daisy! I haven't given you the baton yet!!!
  • Caution! Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
  • eat my grass. I will meet you at the finish line.
  • If I only had a cape!
  • Can we come in now, ma? My paws are clean, see?
  • Santa's new sled team
  • One more photo, paparazzi, and I swear I will call my bodyguards!!!
  • Born free, as free as the wind blows...as free as the grass grows...
  • Unfortunately for the US, Daisy saw her mom and started her leg of the relay before Tucker reached her with the baton.
  • Run, Forrest, Run!!!
  • What IS driving Miss Daisy?
  • Never fear! Underdog is here!
  • Hey, Tucker, those anti-gravity pills really do work...I'm flying!
  • Ahh, I love to feel the wind in my jowls.
  • Daisy, wait up! It's MY turn to be first!
  • Did somebody say PORKCHOP!!
  • "Oh no honey! Daisy and Tucker got into the pixie dust again!!"
  • Think happy thoughts, and we are off to never never land.
  • Look Tucker...no feet!!
  • Its a bird..its a plane..its super daisy and her sidekick Tucker
  • Run away, run away! It's the Boston with the big sharp pointy teeth!
  • Tag, you're it!
  • Tucker has been training me to run through the yard without stepping on the flowers. Look at me go!
  • Here we come to save the day!!! Its superdoggies Daisy and Tucker to the rescue.
  • TinkerBell, I can FLY!!
  • Don't let the mailman get away!
  • Ice Cream Man!
  • Superboston Daisy achieves liftoff, escaping the grasp of Tucker!
  • Last one to the fence is a rotten egg!!
  • As the signal was heard, Super Daisy and her trusty sidekick Tucker were off to save the day!
  • Try as she might, Daisy could not escape the love-smitten Tucker.
  • and the Race is on!
  • Give me land, lots of land and the stary skies above---don't fence me in"
  • Tally Ho!
  • run daisy, run
  • Dukes of hazard, with Daisy duke in the lead!
  • Tucker soon realized he could never learn any tricks that would beat Daisy's levitation act.
  • Daisy is always trying to "tucker" Tucker out with a good romp in the yard.
  • When no gravity and Bostons mix
  • Boston Terriers CAN fly!!!
  • I"m outta here
  • When Dogs Fly.
  • Have no fear, Underdog is here!
  • Last one there is a rotten egg!
  • red light green light
  • Just one happy thought! Just one happy thought!
  • Racing him? Who said anything about racing him? I just want the flower smell on me!
  • nananananananananana....BATMAN!
  • Did someone say dinner? Oh boy, I can't wair!
  • Here we come!
  • Is is a Bunny or a Boston? If it's a bunny that's happiest bunny alive!:)
  • "Tucker, You're it!!!"
  • Me first bud!
  • I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!
  • Run Tucker, run! Tha ice cream truck is coming!
  • I'm praticing so I can take over the lead on Santa's sled this year...
  • "Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off!"
  • Up, Up, and Away! Daisy and her side-kick Tucker are off to save the day!
  • Anything Tucker can do I can do better, I can do anything better than him...yes I can!
  • The BT races,Where BTs from all over the globe come to race each-other for the Goldon Bone.
  • That's hot!
  • "Hey Daisy, where we goin?" "I don't know, but hurry!"
  • ... got to catch me first!!!....
  • Hey Tucker- I'm Seabiscuit and you're just War Admiral!
  • Let's get this boston off the ground!
  • Live Action Bostons...Always happy to save the day
  • Eat my dust Tucker!
  • Boinga boinga boinga, just like Tigger!
  • Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I 'M THE "BOSTON-BREAD" MAN!
  • Run, run as fast as you....you can't catch me, i'm a crazy Boston, man!
  • We fly Boston Airways...
  • Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me!
  • Daisy: look at me, i can fly!! Tucker: you're doing it! you're doing it!
  • Neener neener neener, you can't catch me!
  • Daisy quickly became airborne after a special send off from her friend Tucker.
  • I move so fast, I'm not even touching the ground!
  • Tucker's secret wish is to someday levitate just like that showoff Daisy.
  • Ah, the summer. the green grass, my beautiful bunny ears flow in the breeze as I play a game of boston chase with my soul mate.haaah.
  • On hearing the bells of Ice cream truck,Daisy & Tucker rush for their favorite "KITTY on a Stick!"
  • Hee Hee! SUCKER!!!! :)
  • De pupa500 I'm winning! I'm winning
  • This is Daisy's last chance at the long jump, if she makes this, she will take the gold and beat Tucker.
  • No way you're gonna get to that tree before me!!!
  • I want to give mom kisses first!
  • (see also-theme song from cops)
  • When Bostons FLY!!!
  • "Hey, Tucker...Yo' Mama's so ugly she makes Onions cry...Ha! Can't catch me. I've got more...Yo' Mama's like the sun - stare at her too long you'll go blind."
  • Black and white Boston Terrier says, "I'm doing my impression of Jack Nicholsen as "The Joker" in Batman. That's Robin following me.
  • "Daisy" "TUCKER?!" "Daisy!" "TUCKER?!!!!" "Daisy" "TUCKER STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!"
  • "I believe I can fly; I believe I can touch the sky; I think about it every night and day; spread my wings and fly away."
  • Doggy Olympics:20 ft. dash 1.Daisy 2.Tucker stay tuned for more upcoming events at www.doggyolympics2005.com -donations are accepted
  • When you're smiling, when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.


  • aww they r soooooooooooo crazy and wild!
  • That's RAD!
  • adorable.
  • Hilarious!!
  • hilarious
  • This pic is so cute and funny.

Great captions everyone!
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