The Winning Caption
I said I would be out when the massage is over! |
- Hey! Ho! Let's go! [listen]
- Well, I DID call shotgun.
- Click it or ticket, I got this...
- Mom, I need a booster seat!
- ok, Ive buckled up...can we go to the Dairy Queen now?
- Vita takes the "Click it or Ticket" police campaign very seriously.
- Where's my booster seat???
- It's Mom's turn to carpool to the Dog Park.
- Vita is ready for her chauffer to take her to the dog park, then for a manicure at the local groomer.
- No Vita, you are not big enough to ride in the front seat yet. You still have to get in the car seat until you are bigger.
- Locked and loaded... lets roll!
- Are weee theerrrree yet!
- dogs with tails can't do this! NUBS RULE!!!
- Hey wait!!! I thought this was a roller coaster!!!! You're taking me to the Vet aren't you!!!!?????
- I prefer the baby seat over this
- Safety First!
- Locked & Loaded, Ma. Let's go!
- Seat belts save paws.
- i know that dog
- " I call shotgun...."
- Is this really necessary?!?
- vita needs a boston booster
- Go ahead driver. I am all set for my daily ride and relaxation!!!!!
- Safety first!
- No... I'm sitting Shotgun. I called it first.
- Vita, being locked and loaded, is ready to go for a Little Beasts play date.
- Put upon, I just feel put upon.
- Road trip! Let's do this thing.
- What are you looking at? I'm ready.
- Livin' La Vita Auto
- What? It's called PROACTIVE THINKING. Now get in, I can't drive this thing...
- I need to pee.....
- Going for a car ride just ain't what it used to be.
- Let's go AJ! Shake a leg!
- once Vita found out there were heated seats, her owners could NEVER get her out of the car
- Little children aren't suppose ride in the front seat.
- I hope this isn't an ejection seat. I just can't stand ejection.
- I like going Bye-Bye in the Car-Car. But we have to ride safely, you know.
- I don't think I'm going to like where I'm going.
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- The shrubbery is in the back. Sarn, Branti & Galia are waiting!
Previous Photo of the Week Stars: Sarn, Branti & Galia