The Winning Caption
- Hmmmmmmm....I wonder if this is a solid Beast or a hollow Beast???!!!!
- Having not learned her lesson after The Corn Cob Incident... Emrys tries to eat the Boston Terrier Statue.
- Just like with her chocolate Easter bunny, Emrys likes to start with the ears.
- Emrys has been watching a little too much Dexter lately...
- if you cant play with it, pee on it or chase it, EAT it!
- why wont she play with me? no one can stand an ear tickle for long
- Mmm, tastes like chicken.
- I told you I didn't want a little brother!
- When you turn the handle, treats come out where?
- I'm cuter 'n you'll get more action outa me!
- Ceramics are edible right....?
- He just won't listen!
- Tastes like chicken!
- Emrys misunderstands "bending someone's ear"
- Now that I've got your ear...let's talk about why you've been so silent lately.
- I shall call him mini me
- I shall call him Vincent Van Gogh!
- Bitey-face turns into bitey-ear, then someone gets hurt!
- I'm going to keep biting till you cry UNCLE !
- Thinking it may be chocolate, like the Easter bunnies... Emrys goes for it.
- I will DESTROY you impostor!
- It doesn't taste like a Chocolate Easter Bunny.
- She doesn't look like a Mems!
- You say it is not Easter and this is not a chocolate boston, opps, my bad!
- Ever have one of those days were someone is always chewing your ear off?
- see the family resemblance!
- That's not a chew toy!
- Bostons have great taste.
- Emrys, famed doggie sculpture, creating her masterpiece.
- This would be so much easier with thumbs...
- (Speaking with her mouthful) Ait.. Oo ant it a itle ore to my eft 'er yor eft?
- Say hello to my little friend!!
- I can ear you!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

Previous Photo of the Week Star: Charlie