The Winning Caption
- You think your Chalk Dragon is pretty amazing, don't you? Well... I just rolled on it.
- I don't always color, but when I do I stay in the lines.
- I don't know what that thing is but I hate it.
- Can't...let that thing lick me again...
- You can't take a nap around these kids!
- My forcefield protects me from fire-breathing chalk monsters.
- You won this round Chalk Monster. But I'm going to go drink a full bowl of water and then we'll see who gets the last laugh!
- Chalk Dragon: 1 Charlie: 0
- It licked me.
- It's all fun and games until the Boston gets Chalked!
- What were you try holding chalk without thumbs
- Charlie sat covered in chalk face flush with anger
- On the Official Stink Eye Scale of One To Ten... this right here is a Major Ten.
- The crazy mural guy decided to do "living art." I decided to do stink eye.
- Pablo is better known for his abstracts
- Everybody's a critic....
- Charlie is kicking himself for being the first to fall asleep at the party, finding himself with full makeup in the morning.
- Charlie: You win this time Sidewalk Chalk Dragon, but know I've got my stink eye on you!
- Hey pink is my there a problem?
- Hottest new artist...Chalkin' Charlie
- "Wait..what? I was just blending the chalk lines!"
- Fire Breathing Chalk Dragon - 1. Charlie - O.
- "In West Philadelphia, born and raised..."
- I tried to slay the beast, but the beast won!
- Oh... you think it's funny I've got that pink chalk on me? After I drink enough water, I'll be "washing" that sidewalk off.
- This amuses you? You draw on the sidewalk, draw on me... then expect me to do a trick? I think not.
- "Is that the dragon or am I the dragon?"
- Pwease feel better for me!!
- I hate little kids with sidewalk chaulk.
- "You've never seen my stink-eye with bonus fire-breathing? Here, let me show you..."
- You think you've got me licked?
- I'm not bad...I'm just drawn that way.
- Charlie thinks someone should go back to art school!
- I never thought I'd say this... I've been driven this low. I actually need a bath.
- He's ok, I rolled on him and he now smells like a Bosto
- I've got something for the Big Bad Wolf - Big Bad Boston!
- Bite me.....!
- Listen Buddy, I am a Boston Terrier not a French Bulldog! Keep that thing in your mouth next time!
- Did that seriously just happen? Ugh.
- I'll get you for this!
- Grr.. While you may have won this round chalk beast - I'll get you next time!
- The green guy started it.
- I hate to admit it, but even I think I need a bath. Those kids with the chalk got me good.
- No. I'm not taking questions right now. The pink shall remain a mystery.
- This means I need bath, doesn't it...
- I've always loved makeup. Just wish I could get the blusher stuff on straight!
- Come on I need some peace dragula
- Pink cheeks is better than a green bottom
- Go ahead... laugh at my expense. Wait until you see the package I left on your lawn.
- Bath time, yuck!
- Seriously, that is the last play date you are ever arranging for me...
- "Sorry, I don't do autographs"
- Oh No I got attacked by the giant chalk monster!!
- Darn kids and there street art!
- Picasso was better known for his abstracts.
- No hiding this!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Yeah, you prolly think Molly got in the milk, too!

Previous Photo of the Week Star: Molly